

博天堂官方 is committed to creating the most supportive environments for teaching, learning, 以及对社区的服务. We encourage members of our community to share concerns so we can help offer resources, services, and supports to contribute to these goals. 安全 在博天堂官方 and in our communities is everyone’s responsibility. 通过识别 and reporting behavior you believe to be a potential concern, you can help our community members get the assistance and services they might need.

如有紧急情况,请联系911. Once you’ve completed your notification to 911, if the situation allows, please also alert Public 安全 at 541-926-6855 (this number is monitored 24 hours a day).

强制性的报告: 博天堂官方的员工有 州法律规定的额外责任 to report suspected child abuse to the Department of Human Services or law enforcement. This responsibility is in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 可以进行报告 by contacting the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline at 1-855-503-SAFE (7233).

参考 学生转介指南 to identify the best resources for connecting students.

Below are various types of concerns that may be reported and additional resources 报告这些问题. 


Use this form to report accident, injuries, or medical incidents that happen on College property or at College-related activities or events. 事故或伤害报告应该 在事故发生后24小时内完成. 请注意:此表格必须填写 for any accident, injury, or medical incident, regardless of other claims that may 也将同时提交(e.g. 工人的补偿).

For information about 安全 and 紧急 Readiness planning, please review Public 安全网站: 安全计划.



We all have a responsibility to help support a campus that is safe and provides opportunities 供学生学习. If you see behavior or activity that is concerning, we encourage 你必须向学院报告. You can see more about services and support that Public 安全 provides 在这里. Please note that this report form should be used in instances w在这里 another reporting form available is not appropriate (for example, concerns for students should use the CARE Referral form, or concerns about student behavior should use the Report Student 不当行为形式).

To report a non-emergency, please use the button below or contact Public 安全 via 值勤电话:541-926-6855.

To report behavior that is more urgent or an emergency, please contact 911 or the 公共安全值班电话.



学生 may experience physical, financial, academic, mental health, personal crises, or unexpected life events that are impacting their ability to navigate school successfully. The CARE Team will coordinate and collaborate with available 博天堂官方 and community resources 帮助学生达到他们的教育目标. 

Several resources, including 24/7 hotlines, are also available to help students navigate personal health and well-being concerns.


Report Unlawful 骚扰, Discrimination, or Retaliation

学生, staff, and faculty are protected from unlawful harassment, discrimination, and retaliation; more information is available in 博天堂官方’s 不歧视和不骚扰 政策.



林本顿社区学院 takes a proactive stance against sexual harassment and 其他形式的不当性行为 不歧视和不骚扰 政策 as well as the Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Code. 性 misconduct includes gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, dating violence, 家庭暴力,性侵犯和跟踪. 学生和博天堂官方教师都可以 员工可以举报不当性行为.

点击这里了解更多关于 博天堂官方关于第九条的信息.



Academic dishonesty are behaviors that include, but are not limited to, such acts as forgery, changing or misuse of college documents and records of identification, cheating, plagiarism, aiding or abetting cheating or plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information to the College, violating copyright or trademark, or copying College 软件.

点击 在这里 for more information about the Academic Integrity and Honesty policy and process 在博天堂官方.



学生 and student organizations are expected to abide by the Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Code in order to help maintain an educational learning and working environment for all. Anyone can submit a non-emergency report of alleged student misconduct using this form. Please note that we may be limited in our ability to follow up with anonymous 报告.  



博天堂官方 is committed to providing a quality educational experience for students. 学生 有权利知道吗 information relevant to their success as a student. 如果有人认为学院 is not following its own rules, 政策, or procedures, they can share that information 通过报告. The goal of the complaint process is to understand the reporting party’s perspective and seek to find appropriate resolution for all parties involved.

看到 Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Code for more information about the Student Complaint process or concerns regarding employee performance, including allegations of faculty or staff misconduct, grade appeals and appeals of academic integrity outcomes, or quality of instruction complaints and procedures.

Student, staff, or community members can submit a report about concern regarding an 使用此表格的员工绩效.



If you find a broken link, grammatical or spelling error, outdated information, or 对博天堂官方网站的其他关注, 请在这里报告.